Sunday, 13 February 2011

Coming Out To Friends... Words Of Advice.

I believe that to survive as a Transgendered person, without succumbing to suicidal thoughts, you need someone who is on your side, someone who knows, someone who understands and helps. But it is more important to have a friend that accepts. A friend that treats you as the person you really are, on the inside...

               I am lucky. I now have 3 of these, One of whom only discovered last night. You see, the thing is with me that since being bullied at Bilton High School (completely unrelated to me being Trans) , I have never held close friends. I am not sure why, it is just that I never trust anyone... I guess that was the result of being chased out of Bilton High with 2 youths carrying knives. That was a dicey affair, and since then,  have always been my own, highly private, person. That was until recently. I had to seek help, otherwise I would have been 6 feet under by Christmas- help won't come to you, you have to find it. Remember this.

                  Coming out to a friend, in my case female, is possibly the best thing you could possibly do. I am now able to engage in all manner of Girly conversations I should have been able to if my genetics had got it right. From make-up, to walking, to clothing.... I have been given a wealth of advice that makes me so much more relaxed and comfortable with myself. it is a huge release, to be able to diminish yourself from the false male façade that resides in you all the time in public, to the girl within.

        But beware, choose who you tell wisely. It must be someone who you know is seriously trust worthy. Someone who you like, and have a friendly, trusting relationship with. Someone you can talk to, and someone you have known for quite a long time.

Finally... Test them a little before you come out to them, just to see whether you will get the response you need . For example, being of 15 years, Homosexuality is s  relatively hot topic, and it is relatively easy to steer a conversation towards transgender without being noticed, thus gathering viewpoints on the matter.

I honestly hope that someday, this advice will help someone, because to be isolated inside yourself because of shame and fear is a terrible life to lead.

Good Luck.

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