I just want to document something now, so that I can move on from it, something I have been unable to do really, but it is time to, with new schools (with any luck :) approaching.
I moved from a fairly big primary School to Bilton High a few years back. It may seem silly to name it, but it was such a dire, terrible school, that it deserves to be named and shamed. Absolutely. That is not just my opinion either- several people left from my class due to the bullying, the resounding lack of pastoral care, the environment created inside it... It was a (Insert strong word here) nightmare. I think you can tell a lot about any school by its Wiki page- but if you look at Bilton's, it mentions changing the discipline system 3 times in a few years. I believe that tells you a lot about the school.
I guess I was young, small, and one of the youngest in the year group when I transferred to Bilton. Only two or three people I knew came with me, and we ended up in a form of around 20 odd kids- although class sizes were usually around 30-40. Bilton is a State run (of course, I have nothing at all against that) comprehensive school, and had, if I recall correctly, some 1,400 students- so it was a big school. Anyway, I digress...
It started a few weeks in to the term. My best friend there left due to his own bullying problems, This left me alone, and isolated within the class. However, I was still relatively popular, and the sporty/trendy cliques accepted me for some reason... Despite not being a 'chav', which was the hugely popular thing at the time. But then things turned sour. One kid in the class just went for me, mentally, physically over a period of weeks, and then a few other lads in the class joined in. I was beaten up (although that I never told my parents, I hid the bruises- I guess I was ashamed), frequently manhandled, punched etc, nasty comments/rumours were constantly said about me... I even managed to be stabbed in the hand by one of them, albeit with a compass, it still damn well hurt though. I tried standing up for myself, but 3 against one is never good odds really. It all reached a peak when two kids chased me out of school, having pulled a pocket knife on me. I was quick fortunately, and made it to the car- but I couldn't control my emotions, and had a proper breakdown in the carpark of a local garden centre. Mum tried to get the school to sort it out, but after a while, they literally just gave up. They actually said 'I'm afraid we cannot guarantee Billy's safety anymore', and I stopped going in. I was an emotional wreck.
That said I found a new school quickly fortunately, and moved in there after only one term at Bilton. This is the school I am moving on from now. A found comfort in the fact that heard a few weeks back that main perpetrators is now in Onley Young Offenders. Thank god.
I've looked long and hard at myself, and one question still remains. WHY?
I didn't do anything- that I am sure of. I guess I'll never know.
But It's time to move on.
I'll never speak of it again.
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